Sunday, December 2, 2012

Anne's Going Renegade!!!

Hey, folks.

You may notice me becoming less visible (or invisible) on the low-carb lists.  I'm not going to give any specifics because saying negative things about others is absolutely not me, but some things have upset me and I'm kind of undecided as to where I go from here.  Arguing and complaining and bringing negativity to a list is something I just refuse to do, so I'm going to just lurk for a while and see how I feel later.

At any rate, I feel like there's room out there for another low-carb list with a different slant, so in the spirit of all those people who have ever been told, "If you don't like [insert mood/policy/rule here], why don't you go start your own list?"  Well, I'm doing it!  Please feel welcome to join me at LCNoStress:

I hope to see all my low carb friends and hopefully plenty of new faces, too!


Anne Logston

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